Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Intermidio: a kiss to the Universe

The intermedio or intermezzo in the Italian Renaissance, was a theatrical performance or spectacle with music and often dance which was performed between the acts of a play to celebrate special occasions in the Italian court.

Enjoying the snow, cold, crisp tail end of a ice storm in OKC...
even as I do my thang here (Uptown United)
I'm thinking of Chicago
... and what calls me there,...

"hey, Amina... can I see you in the first two weeks of February?"
Gotta git back to my girl, Chi... as I come to a greater sense,
a broader vision of where home really is.
I'm missing the creative intelligence of CHLEE,
the quiet strength of Arthur and the spirit that is
Aiesha Wright telling a story,
making it up as she goes.. See ya'll soon.

Coming in touch with The Flowmasta...Itsa bout time!
Thank ya..
The warmth of gratitude for today
and worship with guitar
doin' the best i can ,
with the few chords i got.

a kiss upon the cheek of the universe
in the middle of the day.

namaste. bless.

Adam Emmanuel handles the camera.

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