Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wrestling With Angels

I was emptying the car of paintings from the trip to Chicago, when my long time neighbor Jim came waving across the street, reaching for his smokes. "How was the show in Chicago?"

We shook hands and I shared my visit with Judy Saslow in her gallery, I told him of my discovery of the work of Nancy Pascke. We talked about the meditative time of driving 12 hours straight, of the health issues of a couple patrons of the Chicago art scene, and through winding paths of rabbit trails and free-flow trains of thought, we came to me showing him the artist proof of my book, Wrestling With Angels: A True Story Based On A Lie, Part One. I knew that he had studied theology, and was a poet, so I led him to the chapter Morning pages: proverbs and poems, and left him to read as I returned to unloading the car.

Here were his immediate thoughts...

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